Thanksgiving bodyweight workout

So seeing as Thanksgiving is tomorrow and a lot of gyms are going to be closed, here is a workout you can do at home. Try it out and let me know how it goes!

Warm up;

Foam roll, mobility, activation, dynamics.

1, a) Prisoner squats x 20

b) Dead bug x 10each

c) bear crawls (slow) x 10each forward and back

x 4 sets – 1 min rest


2, a) Jumping split squats x 10each

b) plank-to-push up + push up x 15

c) Tuck jumps x 10

x 4 sets – 1 min rest


3. Conditioning

a) 40 jumping jacks

b) Lateral single leg hops x 10 each

c) burpees x 20

x 3, no rest.


Coach Alex

Alex Calder